Mayo Ultra Rules & Regulations

Entry here:

Safety is of paramount importance for everyone involved – Racers, Crew, Staff, Spectators and all others using the roads the event travels on.

Please Pay Attention to Safety at all times.

The following list of rules and regulations, which are non-exhaustive, MUST be adhered to at ALL times during the race.

It is the responsibility of every racer and crew member to read these rules carefully before the event.
If this is your first endurance race it is paramount that you read and understand all the rules. We
are here to answer your questions. If you have any questions, please email  before the pre-race briefing or ask during the pre-race briefing. Please do
not start the race with unanswered questions. Penalties will be given to the racer/crew for
violations of the rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.

1. General Regulations

  1. On entering, competitors and support crew agree to a declaration to waive liability, confirm acceptance of the rules & agree to the release of personal images to the media and for event promotions.
  2. The Wild Mayo Ultra is an official Cycling Ireland Event and with this in mind our rules are designed within Cycling Ireland regulations.
  3. International competitors must have the appropriate travel documents, visas and comprehensive medical insurance in place for this event. We do advise that competitors organise their own personal insurance.
  4. You must immediately and respectfully comply with any direction or decision of the Event Organisers and the medical support staff. Any failure to do so may result in disqualification.
  5. There will be enforced cut-off times to ensure competitor safety. This decision lies with the Race Director.
  6. Compulsory safety equipment such as bike helmet, front and rear lights, High Vis Vests must be worn or attached at all times while on the bike.
  7. Competitors must have front and back lights fitted to the bike during all stages of the race.
  8. Assistance can only be provided by support crew or event personnel. Any failure to comply may result in disqualification
  9. Competitors must observe all Road Traffic Laws.
  10. Competitors must follow the course as marked. Any short-cuts will result in a time penalty or disqualification.
  11. Checkpoints must be visited in the prescribed order.
  12. No litter of any kind, including for example water bottles, caps from water bottles, energy bar wrappers or toilet paper shall be left on the course. If you are found to have littered the course you will be heavily penalized or disqualified.
  13. All litter is to be carried to the closest checkpoint for disposal, or disposed of in a correct manner by support crew.
  14. Respect the environment & local inhabitants.
  15. MP3, IPods etc are not permitted to be used during the race.
  16. Inform a race official immediately after withdrawing from the race.
  17. Drafting from another athlete or motor vehicle is forbidden. Competitors must reject attempts by others to draft.
  18. The responsibility of remaining on the course rests with the competitor. Any competitor, who appears to Technical or Medical Officials as presenting a danger to themselves or others, may be removed from the race.
  19. The Race Director’s decision is final.

2. Liability

All persons who participate in the Race do so entirely at their own risk. When registering for the Race, therefore, each participant must sign and turn in the Participant Release of Liability Form, which releases the Race organizer and its staff from any and all legal claims. Since the Race organizer accepts no responsibility for personal injury to participants or for the loss of or damage to the personal property of participants, insurance coverage (for accidents, illnesses, theft, and liability, for example) is the sole responsibility of each participant.

3. Rule Changes/Modifications

Race Management reserves the right to create new rules and/or modify existing rules whenever they deem it necessary, especially since safety is the number one priority.

Whenever Race Management creates new rules and/or modifies existing rules, such rules become valid for all participants. However, whenever Race Management notifies a cyclist’s/team’s crew directly of any rule changes and/or modifications, such rule changes/modifications take immediate effect.

4. Fairness

The importance of fair play on the part of all Race participants cannot be stressed enough by Race

Management. As such, any action of a cyclist or crew member that leads to an unfair advantage or

disadvantage for a cyclist will result in a penalty.

5. Official Route

Every cyclist must follow the route printed in the Official Road Book. The directions and maps printed in the Official Road Book represents the only official documentation of the race route. In case of any discrepancy, the instruction in the Official Road Book takes precedence over any GPX or other route files made available. Cyclists who cycle away from the route for whatever reason must return to the route in the same place where they exit it. The Rider may be taken back to the point they went wrong by the Support vehicle and re start on the correct route. Please note all Teams routes are completely recorded and reviewed by the GPS tracker company at the end of the race , any deviations not corrected will incur time penalties, this may happen after all the data is reviewed and verified. Race Organizers reserve the right to apply penalties and or disqualifications and apply to the final results even after the event is over, an explanation for same will be emailed to any affected teams. An appeal can be given but must be accompanied by evidence to support the appeal.

6. Unforeseen Events

If a cyclist/crew cannot continue along the official route due to an unforeseen event (such as a road block, bad weather, a construction site, a route diversion, a hazard, or an emergency), the cyclist/crew must inform Race Management immediately. Race Management will tell the cyclist/head crew of a new route. If the cyclist/head crew cannot contact the Race Management (example: no phone-coverage, etc), cyclist/head crew can take a new road. Race Management reserves the right to evaluate the cyclist/head crew decision.

7. Cyclists

  • Except as noted in Rule “Unforeseen Events” in general cyclists may only leave the route when looking for or going to a place to eat or sleep.
  • Cyclists may not be pushed forward, either by people or by vehicles.
  • Remember that drafting is not allowed, and that the cyclists must normally be at least 100 meters behind any vehicle or another cyclist.
  • At stop signs or red lights, cyclists are not allowed to hold on to vehicles or people in order to keep their balance.
  • Cyclists must cycle in the far-left lane whenever possible.
  • If cyclists are given support from someone in the Support car, that person must be seated on the passenger side.
  • Whenever a bicycle path is present, cyclists can, but are not required to, use it (except as noted in the Official Route Book) during the day (without Pace Car). Cyclists must have some form of high vision during daylight hours , Cyclists MUST wear Full torso high vis at night time hrs 19:00 To 7AM
  • Crew must wear Hi Vis for the full duration of the race.

Going unsupported in the 200/300/500k

  • In case of emergency you must have 2 persons available to take a call at all times while you are taking part in the Ultra if contacted by the organisers.
  • Organisers are not responsible for the rider to be picked up due to exhaustion or mechanical failure, we will endeavour to help as much as possible.
  • When taking part in the event unsupported please be mindful there are 9 time check in stations where you must text in; Rider number, station you are at and the time you passed it at. Eg. Rider 301, T.S. 4 @11:04. This will take you time if by yourself so making a list of where those stations are is very important.
  • Unsupported mandatory spares list: GPS device, a mask, Mobile phone, money,  tubes, tyre levers, pump,  patches, multi tool, foil blanket, rain jacket and front and back lights reflective stickers on back of the bikeAdvisory list power bank & cables and food pouch.
  • Night hours follow car is not required for unsupported riders.

Group ride category

  • A group can consist of 2 and up to 6 riders.
  • The time around the designated course is based on the last person from that group crossing the finish line
  • The objective is that the group works together in all matters to complete the route (Working out problems as a team)
  • For the group riding category its forbidden to receive outside help of any nature.

8. Crew

Each cyclist/team must have at least two adults with driving license as crew members. If a cyclist/team has more than one support vehicle, each support vehicle must have at least two crew members with a driving and cycling license.

Race Radios: it is not compulsory for crew to have radio communication with the cyclist. It is up to each individual/team to obtain radios, if desired – Radios will not be provided. The strict guidelines on night time riding means the cyclist is never alone at night.

It is mandatory for all crew members to wear high-vis from the start and throughout the race.


9. Littering

Littering by a cyclist or crew member is strictly prohibited and will lead to a penalty. The Gardai will also be notified of any instances of littering.

10. Bike and Helmet

E Bikes are Not permitted at any time.

All bikes (including reserve bikes) MUST have specifications that meet the rules of the UCI. All bikes must be equipped according to the road traffic regulations of Ireland. Race Management must approve any deviations from the rules prior to the start of the Race. Furthermore, all bikes (including reserve bikes) must have fitted:

  • At least one front light and one red rear light;
  • Reflective stickers on the back of the seat post;
  • And in reserve in crew vehicle; A spare front and A spare back light

Whenever riding their bikes during the Race, all cyclists MUST wear a helmet and the helmet’s chinstrap MUST be securely fastened. Cyclists on teams also MUST wear their helmets whenever they are warming up.

11. Traffic Regulations and the Garda Siochana

All Race participants must obey all traffic regulations.

All violations of the law will result in a penalty. Race

Management reserves the right to report such violations to an Garda Siochana.

Please note the following:

  • Running red lights at intersections, pedestrian crossings, construction sites, etc., is not allowed.
  • Participants who are asked to leave the Race route by An Garda must immediately comply with such a request and must inform Race Management of that occurrence as soon as possible.
  • If An Garda Siochana stop a cyclist even though that cyclist has not violated any Race rules or traffic regulations, Race Management reserves the right to assign a time credit to the cyclist.
  • Directing traffic, such as to enable a vehicle to exit a driveway or cross an intersection is strictly forbidden.

12. Officials

All Race Officials are authorized to monitor the Race and to give penalties in case of any rules or traffic violations.

Race Officials are authorized to stop cyclists, if necessary, to check that the Tracker box is on the rider and in order to issue penalties.

Race Officials are also authorized to stop cyclists in order to explain rules or safety regulations to them. In such cases, cyclists will not be credited with any time lost.

Race Officials are also authorized to disqualify a participant in case of a severe rules violation

13. Penalty

Race Officials and Race Management may issue penalties to cyclists who violate rules of the Race or traffic regulations.

  • A breach of the rules committed by a cyclist’s crew, escort vehicle(s), or media car(s) will count as a penalty against the cyclist.
  • Race Management reserves the right to modify the amount of time per penalty depending on the severity of an offense.
  • Race Management also reserves the right to issue penalties after a video or photo analysis.
  • Drafting of any sort is NOT ALLOWED and any attempt to gain an unfair advantage will result in penalty.

Minor Breach of Rules:

– 1st penalty 15 mins

– 2nd penalty 1 hour

Breach of Drafting Rules – Drafting of any sort is NOT ALLOWED:

– 1st penalty 2 hours


14. Time Credits

Only Race Management is authorized to issue time credits. Cyclists may receive a time credit whenever an unforeseen event hinders their progress along the route or if the police stop a cyclist even though that cyclist has not violated any Race rules or traffic regulations.

15. Publishing of Penalties and Time Credits

Where possible ,The cyclist/team in question will also be notified via SMS of any penalties or time credits received. Race management reserve the right to issue time penalties after the race is over when all of the data collected is analyzed in full or when spy data or information of rule breaches are reviewed.

Initial results are Provisional for race presentation purposes but can be subject to change if new information deems it necessary.

15. Disqualification

The following are considered severe rules violations and will be punished with immediate disqualification:

  • Consumption of alcohol by the cyclist
  • Completing part of the Race in a vehicle
  • Accompanying the cyclist in an uninsured vehicle or in a vehicle that does not comply with the road

safety regulations

  • Stopping next to a moving (motorised or non-motorised) vehicle
  • Refusing to take a sleeping break when ordered to do so by a Race Official or Race Management
  • Behavior on the part of the crew or cyclist that severely endangers the safety of the cyclist, Race

Officials and marshals or anyone else using the roads

  • Harassment of other cyclists
  • Behavior which puts the Race in a bad light
  • Being issued more than two penalties

If a cyclist is disqualified from the Race, the cyclist will be banned from the Race for life. . Race Organizers reserve the right to apply penalties and or disqualifications and apply to the final results even after the event is over, an explanation for same will be emailed to any affected teams. An appeal can be given but must be accompanied by evidence to support the appeal.


16. Challenging a Race Decision that has been made during the race and relayed to the team.

Official protests must be submitted in written form to Race Management at the arrival line. Official protests must include a reason why a decision should be reversed. Evidence may include a written statement from a witness, photos, a video, or any other record of the incident in question.

17. Pre-Race Requirements

All cyclists and crew members are required to take part in the pre-race meeting and must fulfill all other pre-race obligations according to the schedule they receive when they check in. (This may be in an online format
eg due to Covid) Also, all cyclists and crew members must sign and turn in their Participant Release of Liability Form the night prior to Race start in

Violation of these requirements will lead to a one-hour penalty.

18. Rules for the Start and Finish of the Race

The Race Start is at the starting ramp in front of the Clewbay Hotel Westport. Riders start solo at their designated time from the starting ramp.

The Race timing ends officially at the Tennis courts at the top of Minister hill, 1km from the Clewbay hotel so that riders wont be impeded by traffic on the way to the Clewbay hotel.  We would request all cyclist to come back to the finishing ramp for a short interview.

19. Sponsors

Race Management may require that the name or logo of a sponsor be placed on support cars, auxiliary vehicles, and/or media cars.

20. Mobile Phones

All crews are required to submit to Race Management at sign on, at least one domestic mobile phone numbers that they can be reached at during the Race, this number must remain with the team support car at all times for the full duration of the race..

Crew and cyclists are required to input race director and doctor phone numbers onto their devices prior to race start.

21. Mandatory Reporting

Race Management must be contacted by phone if:

  • There is a change of crew members (unless the names of the new members are known to Race


  • A cyclist encounters a road block, bad weather, a construction site, a route diversion, a hazard, an emergency, or any other unforeseen event;
  • A second Support car is put into use or takes over from support car 1;
  • A cyclist retires from the Race.

Should phone coverage be unavailable, then this information should be sent at the soonest possible


22. Web Tracking and Time Stations

The position of all cyclists will be monitored through Web tracking.

In order to ensure accurate timing, cyclists must be escorted by their support car whenever they pass a time station. The arrival time at all time stations must also be noted in the route Official Route Book, and the crew MUST contact the supplied mobile number via text with the team number, station they are at, and the time they are at it. Eg. Team 24 T.S 5 17.36

23. Escort Vehicles or shuttle vehicles ( Non Crew Vehicles)

Definition ; an Escort or shuttle vehicle is a vehicle that can ferry cyclists to a changeover point, or away from a changeover point for rest bite or for rotating crew members, If crew are being rotated, the team contact number given at Registration Must remain the same regardless of changeovers.

These vehicles must NOT be used as Support crew vehicles and should never be in a cavalcade or causing traffic build up.

There is no maximum number of escort vehicles allowed per cyclist / team. All escort vehicles must move at normal traffic speed when travelling along the course.

Whenever a crew vehicle ,or an escort vehicle stops, it must avoid disrupting traffic and be FULLY pulled in off the road, it must be done in a safe place, failure to do this will result in a severe time penalty.

24. Support/Crew Vehicle

  • Each cyclist/team must be accompanied by a support crew vehicle.
  • The support vehicle is the only vehicle that is allowed to follow directly behind the cyclist.
  • During the day, the support vehicle can, but is not required to, follow directly behind the cyclist. At night, however, the support vehicle must follow directly behind the cyclist at all times.
  • Support crew vehicles pulling in for any reason eg/changeovers or servicing, Must be completely off the carriageway, failure to adhere to this WILL result in a time penalty.
  • Support vehicles must be equipped with the following:
    • Stickers/ Rear : “Caution Bicycles Ahead” sign
    • Stickers/both sides: “Race Number”

Support Vehicle Lighting: Support Vehicles must have at LEAST one Orange flashing light attached to the roof of the vehicle. Each vehicle MUST carry a reserve orange flashing light. The Orange light should be visible from the rear only – tape off the front facing part of the light if necessary. When a support vehicle is following behind the cyclist, the Orange flashing light/s and Hazards must be ON to warn other road users that you are a slow-moving vehicle. When not supporting the cyclist, these warning lights must be switched off. Additional spot lights can be fitted to the support vehicles as long as they conform to law.

  • Throughout the race, only one specific vehicle can be designated to act as the support vehicle. Should an emergency arise, however, a second car may be used as the support vehicle. (Things like stopping to refuel, use the toilet, or rest do NOT count as emergencies.) If a second support crew car is going to be put into use, Extra official crew numbers must be purchased at registration. Race Management must be informed of the change, when it happens, as soon as possible.
  • If three or more vehicles (public Vehicles) are following directly behind the support vehicle, the support vehicle must let those vehicles pass as soon as possible (by pulling off the road into a side road, for example), unless the safety of the cyclist is more important than the flow of traffic (such as when the cyclist is cycling through a technical portion of the race) or if its night time Hours.
  • Support vehicles are not allowed to pull trailers.

You will be penalized if you hold up traffic or form a caravan with one or more other escort vehicles.

Please respect the normal commuter traffic and rules of the road.

*Support Vehicle Specifications; The Responsibility for the road worthiness and adequate insurance of all vehicles and drivers involved in your race team, is the responsibility of the crew chief and the team, not with the Mayo Ultra  organizers. The inspection of vehicles at registration is solely to ensure that all vehicles meet the requirements set out in these rules.

  1. The Support Vehicle must be no more than 2 metres (80 inches) in width, (Measured at 1 metre [3.3 feet] from the ground.) The width of the vehicle, does not include side mirrors. 2. The Support Vehicle itself must not be more than 2.6 metres, in height. Measurements are of the vehicle only and not racks, lights, or other attachments. 3. The Support Vehicle itself must not be more than 6.2 metres [244 inches] in length.

Measurements are of the vehicle only and not racks, lights, or other attachments. 4. People carriers are recommended because most are less than 1.8 metre [72 inches] wide. Large passenger vans are allowed as long as they meet the width requirement. 5. Support Vehicles cannot be a conversion campervan, and cannot be a step van (e.g. commercial delivery truck). 6. Vehicles following a Racer cannot tow any kind of vehicle, trailer, motorcycle, or motorscooter.

25. Stickers

When you check in, you are issued several race stickers. They must be attached to all vehicles as follows:

Name/Number stickers:

  • One (1) must be attached to the left side door;
  • One (1) must be attached to the right side door.
  • “Caution Bicycles Ahead” sticker (1) on the rear of the vehicle.

Note that the windshield of the pace car, as well as both the driver-side and passenger-side windows, must be kept free in order to ensure good visibility, and you must limit the amount of obstruction to the driver’s view out the rear of the vehicle.

26. Process of Overtaking

Whenever a cyclist (cyclist B) who is accompanied by his support car (support car B) passes another cyclist (cyclist A) who is accompanied by his pace car (pace car A), the process of overtaking should proceed as follows:

Support car A should slow down to let cyclist B pass on the passenger side. Once cyclist B is safely past support car A (or, if the overtaking manoeuvre takes place at night, within the headlight beams of support car A), support car A should let support car B pass on the driver side. As support car B accelerates to pass support car A, support car A and cyclist A should slow down together so that support car B can safely pull back over to the left behind cyclist B. Cyclist A must then allow support car B to move at least 100 meters ahead or risk being penalized for illegal drafting. This process of overtaking should be done as quickly as possible and only when the traffic situation allows for such a manoeuvre to take place safely.

27. Night time Driving/Cycling

Night time is considered to be between the hours of 7:00 p.m. (19:00) and 7:00 a.m. (07:00).

During this time period, the support vehicle must accompany the cyclist whenever the cyclist is cycling along the Race route. Therefore, whenever the support vehicle stops, the cyclist must stop and whenever the cyclist stops, the support vehicle must stop. Whenever the cyclist is cycling along the Race route at night, the cyclist must remain within the light beam of the support vehicle And have a full torso High vis vest on. Except for Solo riders in the 200/ 300k event who are in the Unsupported category. 

Flying exchanges are only permitted during daylight hours.

The night time rules also apply whenever there is poor visibility, such as when there is heavy fog.

Remember, Crew members must wear reflective High Vis vests at all times, Cyclists must wear reflective ware of some form during daylight but MUST wear full torso High vis vest during night time hrs.

Failure on this will result in time penalties being applied.


28. Additional Rules for Team Cyclists

Teams and pairs must have only one cyclist on the course at any given time. The cyclist can be changed any time during the race, in accordance with Race rules.

29. Exchanging Team Cyclists

An exchange of cyclists can only take place when the traffic situation allows it to, in heavy traffic, or in
proximity to intersections or traffic lights, an exchange must not be done.

Flying exchanges are NOT permitted at ANY time.
The cyclist coming off the course must stop close to the cyclist taking over to allow crew to safely wipe clean
the tracking device and exchange it to the next person taking over. Please ensure the tracking device is Not
in a pocket along with or next to a mobile phone or radio contact device as this interferes with the signal.

• Exchanges of cyclists during the night MUST place within the light beam of the support vehicle while
STOPPED. The cyclist who is taking over is only allowed to accelerate within the light beam of the
support vehicle after the exchanged cyclist has been picked up.
• Spying on other teams or cyclists is allowed, Please note that when spying, you are not allowed to
disturb or harass any crew members or cyclists.

We request that all cyclists do a stopped exchange. Stop the bike then hand over the tracker before moving off. This is for 2 reasons. 1 the riders safety and 2 if the tracker falls it might stop transmitting making us unable to confirm the teams time.

30. MTB

. Mountain bike spec shall be minimum wheel size of 27in with min Tyre width of 45mm.

. The same time allowances and Rules apply to this category.

. Bar Ends Must be plugged, No Drop Handlebars or TT clip on bars or modifications.

. 2 and 4 person team categories only .

. No E Bikes !

31. Cut off Times

The Wild Mayo Ultra 500k: The Time Allowance for solo Category is your Start Time  plus 30 hours for Male participants and 35hrs for solo Female participants. There will be a cut-off point at Ballina (221k) of  Start Time Plus 11 hours Male and 14hrs for females at the half way point, groups and teams are expected to be ahead of these cut off times, The cut offs are in place so we can continue to run a safe event and is a key safety measure.

The Mayo Ultra 300 Start Time Plus 20 hours is cut off time for solo male and 23 hours for solo female. There will be a cut-off point at Achill sound bridge of  Start Time Plus 9.5 hours Male and 11.5hrs for females at this point, in order to be permitted to continue participating in the event.  This cut-off is in place as a safety measure.

The Mayo Ultra 200 Start Time Plus 13 hours is cut off time for solo male and 16 hours for solo female. There will be a cut-off point at Achill sound bridge  of  Start Time Plus 7.5 hours Male and 9.5hrs for females at this point, in order to be permitted to continue participating in the event.  This cut-off is in place as a safety measure.

Start time plus 20 hours is Cut off time for 2-person team. 

The Wild Mayo 500 cut off is Start Time plus 30 hours for solo male and 35 hours for solo female.

32. Race Entry Cancellations

If an Individual/Team withdraws prior to the event, the following options apply:

  • If you feel you are not up to taking on the Ultra with 4 weeks to go( April 12th) we will allow you to defer to 2024
  • If you cancel your entry within 3 weeks of the event then unfortunately we can’t offer a refund.
  • If Covid 19 or other unforeseen circumstances come into play and we are unable to host the event, we will automatically transfer your entry to our new date for 2024.

Deferring only applies once and if an Individual/Team is unable to compete the following year, there will be no further accommodation or refund option.

Please Enjoy the race.

Be safe, have fun and Take in the experience of Exploring Wild Mayo.

Ride your own story 

Adapted from The Race Around Ireland Rule Book